Walkthru for DRAGONSPHERE by G.J.Woeginger woe@fmatbds01.tu-graz.ac.at 0 GENERAL REMARKS. Essentially, you cannot make fatal mistakes. In case you die, the game jumps back to several seconds before your death and gives you another chance. In case you forget to take anything anywhere, you can return to this place anytime you want. There are five regions: 1 the castle, 2 the shifters' land, 3 the dessert and oasis 4 the fairy maze and the 5 the wizard's tower. My solution will not give you the full score of 250 points; e.g. there are treasure hidden all over the game goblet, music box, nugget, crystal flower, rare coin, birdcall that are not important for solving the game. 1 FIRST VISITS TO THE THREE COUNTRIES Go to the council room, receive the shield stone and take your sword. In the courtyard talk to the fairy, the shifter and the ecliptus. Visit the three countries. Fairy Maze To enter the maze you must talk to the fairy and always choose the `polite and gentle' answers. To pass the two guards on the next screen, you must solve the puzzle of the sprites: there are eight sprites that switch their colors from red to blue to yellow all the time. There is one color that makes them tell the truth, one color that makes them lie and one color that makes them tell the truth or lie. In the next screen, you meet the Butterfly King. Answer his quiz easy, he is only interested in the words and not in their meaning and receive the first powerstone. Shifter's land To enter, give the guards the signet ring from your inventory. To leave lateron, ask them about the ring. To pass the pool, invoke the shield stone and then take the tentacle parts. Talk to the wise shifter on the next screen and receive a polystone. Enter the cave and receive the doll. Dessert Walk till you meet the merchant and take a bone from the ground. The ecliptus in the courtyard, the Butterfly King and the wise shifter told you several words in the ecliptus language. Combine your knowledge to communicate with the merchant. He tells you the way to the oasis; shab=north, falla=south, ecliptus=west. In the oasis talk to the shamans and receive the second powerstone. Visit the caliph and win several games against him. He gives you dates, a statue and a ruby ring as prizes. 2 THE FIGHT AGAINST THE SORCERER Walk to hightower, talk to the girl and get the amulett. Climb up and take a feather. Climb up and walk to the west. Talk to the shak and take some mud from the ground. Walk back east and climb up again. Walk to the door of the tower and answer the questions of the vines red, leg, beef. Inside, throw the mud on the eye. Walk to the right and take the music box and the vortex stone. Walk to the right and apply the vortex stone to take the magic from the rope. Take the rope, the flask and the dead rat. Put the dead rat in the freezer and take the frozen rat. Put the flask on the metal plate and fill it with acid. Walk three screens to the left and north. Take the torch, pour the acid on the trap door and fasten the rope at the manacles. Take the elevator down and use the torch to lighten the dark room. Take the elevator up, and climb down the rope. This give you the third powerstone. Take the elevator up. Cool the doorframe of the teleporter with the frozen rat and pick up the teleporter with the tentacles. Walk to the infernal machine and put the teleporter in the water. This cools the floor of the right corridor. Before you visit the sorcerer, transform the polystone into the blue powerstone. The sorcerer takes two powerstone and the polystone from you. At your next chance to move, throw the blue power- stone at the sphere. This kills the wizard. Collect everything from the room - crystal ball, black sphere, map and spirit bundle - and leave the tower. 3 OTHER THINGS TO DO Return to the shak. Now he lets you pass. Use the map to cross the 24 pillars. Get the magic belt, jump down and visit the cave behind the waterfall. Talk to the eremite. Then use the spirit bundle on the girl and talk to her; find the right path thru the maze of words; THOU ART A ROSE - BUT NO! FOR NO ROSE AS FAIR DID EVER GROW. Heal the girl with the help of the doll. You receive a piece of paper containing the "name of the beast". Dessert Play two more games against the caliph. This brings you a bottle with flies and a soporific drink; when you drink the tea with the caliph, use the doll to heal yourself. Produce another spirit bundle from the feather and the bone and use the vortex stone to put magic into it. Now the shamans take you to the spirit plane. The first puzzle is to cross the 25 pillars with the help of the map; reflect the map at its vertical axis. The second puzzle is to cross the snake pit with the help of the crystal ball; another solution is to shift into a snake with the shifter ring. In the third puzzle, you must first take the magic from the magic grapes, and then give the dates to the bird. Take the soul egg and replace it by the black sphere. Fairy maze Open the bottle of flies and take the crown. Shifters'land Bribe the guards with the soporific drink. Heal the green slime shifter with the help of the doll. In the village, talk to the woman and get your shifter ring. 4 RETURN TO THE CASTLE Talk to the captain and choose the path where you are allowed to "give" something to her. Use the doll to heal her give her back her eye. Enter the well. Shift into a seal to cross the river. Enter the trapdoor and put the heavy statue on it to avoid the spears. Use the piece of paper to get rid of the beast. Shift into a bear and free the king. Give the soul egg to him. Open the secret door by wearing the crown. Fight against the evil brother with the sword and use the amulett. Enjoy the ending sequence of the game.